Hundreds of thousands of Jewish tourists visit our islands annually. Our goal is to reach out to those tourists (and locals as well) and afford them a positive Jewish experience. If you've had such an experience in Puerto Rico, please share it with us! All of our visitors out there would love to read your reflections. So, say l'chaim, warm your hearts, and blog away!
Rabbi Mendel & Rachel Zarchi
Erica Bogdansky wrote...
Erica Bogdansky
Eddie Aziz wrote...
Levi Stein wrote...
Keep up the good work!
Oak Park, MI
Yona Edelkopf wrote...
Its really nice and conivincing for those coming to Puerto Rico. The food on Shabbat changed my whole shabbat, oy and that Cholent smell wow blew me away.Keep up the good work.
Rabbi Yosef Kantor wrote...
your site is gorgeous!
The best one i have seen for our kind of community with locals and travelers.
Bangkok, Thailand
jason jelen wrote...
Jason, Michelle & Raquel Jelen
Susan Katzenstein- Feliu wrote...
I've been living"on the rock"for 6 years now. There is such a void in my life being away from MOT (members of the tribe) I live on the south west crner of the island and i almost never get to San Juan.
I hold a yearly seder at my home- 1/2 the guests are Jewish and the other 1/2 are not.I hope to be in San Juan on Sept 21 and 22 and will try to be at services. I am so looking forward to going.
PS- I am good friends with Phil and Gloria Maron and they are the ones who referred me to you.
I hope we get to meet.
Susan K.Feliu
Adam Rosner wrote...
Adrienne & Adam Rosner
Bagel Boss
Helene wrote...
chaim abramowitz wrote...
You don't know me, but I am native Puerto Rican who became Jewish while living in Maryland. Just knowing the wonderful work that you are doing for Hashem on la Isla del Encanto is so heart warming. Just know that you, your family and shul are in my tefillos. I look foward to meeting you on my next trip home. I look foward to davening on the very Island that saw me grow and flourish. Thank you again. Shalom. Dr. Chaim Yosef Abramowitz
Fran and Josh Chesir wrote...
Irvine, CA wrote...
Dr Ira jacobs and Lisa Jacobs wrote...
Luz Maria Vega wrote...
Your friends Chesed Yocheved Avraham and Shlomo Avraham
Stephen Chase wrote...
Noach FOx wrote...
Thank G-D that you guys are there you made our little winter wonderland so much more comfortable and enjoyable and spiritual.
Noach and Devory Fox
Brooklyn NY
Steve Steiner wrote...
It was a Shabbat to remember, as part of a vacation to remember.
The meals came right on time Friday, and we were using them right up until checkout on Sunday.
Best wishes,
T. P. wrote...
I want to thank you very much for having my dad and me at Chabad today, and especially for the Hannukiah and candles. I honestly didn't think I would be able to use it this hannukah, but we actually just had a little Hanukkah lighting on the ship. They wrote in our schedule that there would be a Hanukkah lighting and that the cruise line would provide us with the Hannukiah, candles, sufganiot, and latkes. But since the first day is always very hectic, they forgot, and there was a room full Jews in need of some supplies. And just to our luck, I remembered I had the things you gave us and ran back to my room to bring them back, where I was able to lead the service. In a way it was like our own little hannukah miracle and everyone was very grateful. Just thought you would enjoy that.
Chag sameach!
Laurie and Michael Bennett wrote...
Alan & doreen wrote...
Mary Jane Perry and Merri Godick wrote...
Mark Snyder wrote...
Michael Davidov wrote...
barry and cheryl klein wrote...
Loris Kaufman wrote...
harry shames wrote...
eyal baruch wrote...
visiting from a cruise. nice to see chabad
Rodica Bouganim wrote...
we are jews from Montreol, Canada.
shoshana wallach wrote...
B"h When I return we will pray in the new shul.
louis brown wrote...
ellen kerzer wrote...
janet goldman wrote...
enjoying r cruise from long beach!!!!
Wanda Presburger wrote...
We travel around the world distributing wheelchairs to poor, needy children.
Wanda Presburger, Skylar Sarabia, grandson, dr Flora Zomorodi, friend
Pearl Kashenberg wrote...
kare azran wrote...
Orly Mascisch wrote...
Love being a Jew
Abigail Kazhdan wrote...
Abigail and Valerie Kazhdan
Daniel M. Perez wrote...
Peter Shulman wrote...
I will be coming to Puerto Rico this Saturday evening,my first time here.I hope to meet up with some "tribe"members in San Juan for to celebrate Hannukah.
I work for a small city in Los Angeles & my brother is a chaplain in the army stationed in Germany.Rabbi Griesman here in L.A furnished the Chabad information.
Take care,Look forwartd to visiting.
David and Debbie wrote...
R. B. wrote...
We had a great time at the Ritz in Dorado. The place is amazing. Please tell your visitors that our attendant, after bringing us our food Friday night, asked us (without our initiation) what time should she come back to turn off the lights Friday night and how to arrange the lights over Shabbos.
Hope you enjoyed your trip to NY. I just finished reading Chaim Millers biography of the Rebbe, and was totally blown away. You and your wife are the heroes of the after story. Keep doing your great work
All the best
Moshe Pinto wrote...
Steve Thum wrote...
We had the honor and pleasure of participating in Yom Kippur services with you two years ago - an experience my wife describes as her most meaningful and inclusive Yom Kippur service since childhood.
This year we look forward to joining you for both Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur this year.
It is great to know that just about everywhere we travel Chabad is not far away (although we didn't find one in Cairo).
Steve & Julie Thum
ST wrote...
We just left back to our hometown and want to thank you for our meals. The food was delicious and delivered to our hotel right on time each day.
Thank you!
Andrew Scharf wrote...
We can't wait to visit the Chabad again in the future. Wishing you and your family a very good Shabbos!
Andrew & Jenna Scharf
Woodmere, NY
James Fredrick Patrick Young (יתרו חיים בן אברהם) wrote...
I have seen the chages on the website becoming more and more developed. Yasher koach on that! I'm planning to come out and visit family in Maunabo, perhaps I can celebrate SHabbat with you while visiting the family here. :) I wish all of you a Chag Kasher V'sameach in advance!!! :)
Minka G wrote...
I just read an article about Chabad success world wide. I want to tell you that you both epitomize all the good things about Chabad and I am so thrilled that I have had the honor to be at Chabad or Puerto Rico.
I hope and pray to see you this winter again.
Keep up your excellent work.
Dave kushner wrote...
Very greatful